Our Purpose:
“The purpose of the State QSO Party group is to be the catalyst to take state QSO party contesting to the next level.“
Our Goals:
– To promote increased state QSO party contesting activity.
– To assist state QSO party contest organizers in providing quality contests.
– To increase the enjoyment for QSO party contest participants.
The State QSO Party Team:
Dave Edmonds, WN4AFP, Director
Stan Zawrotny, K4SBZ, SQP Challenge Administrator
Mark Musick, WB9CIF, WAQP Administrator
Jeff Hartley, N8II
Anthony Luscre, K8ZT, Publicity Manager
Vic DiCiccio, VE3YT
Special thanks to Bruce Horn, WA7BNM, for creating the State QSO Party Challenge Activity Tracker on 3830scores.com
Please contact Dave Edmonds, WN4AFP at [email protected] if you have any questions.